Boat Care
- Hose your boat off inside and out with fresh water after each use, we recommend using Black Ops Products ASSALT Hydrophilic Boat Wash
- Ensure that the bungs are removed & the boat is stored in a bow up tilted position to allow moisture in the hull to drain.
- Ensure that the interior of the boat is dry & left clean before storage.
- When the boat is not in use, the batteries should be disconnected or turned off at the isolator switch to avoid the possibility of electrolysis caused by any uncontrolled electrical currents.
- Do not stow wet lines in the boat as mould & mildew may result
- Use fresh water only to wash windscreen and clears.
- Inspect under floor flotation & fuel tank hoses & clamps annually. Tighten clamps as necessary. Inspect for lead sinkers and remove.
- Before using your boat, check bilge pump, navigation lights and electrics to ensure in working order.
- Where dissimilar metals contact apply Tef-Gel, Duralac or similar product on a regular routine basis for prevention of electrolysis under paintwork.